Privacy Policy

This privacy notice tells you what to expect when Wendy Charles School of Dance collects personal information. This updated policy is effective from 25th May 2018.
On 25th May 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come in to force. As a matter of courtesy, we would like to make you aware of the changes to our privacy notice regarding your personal data.
Information we collect
Browsing our Website and Social Media Accounts
By simply browsing our website and accessing our social media sites, we do not collect any personable identifiable information about you.
Enquiring about a Class
If you email, message, or use the contact form you will share with us certain information. This will include your email address and could also include your name, your child’s name and any other details you tell us within the message. Only key members of our staff can read these messages and we will only use the details you provide to enable us to fulfil your request (for example, giving you details about classes).
Registering your child
When you register your child for our cIasses, we will collect personal information about you and your child. This will include your name, address, email address and phone number as well as your child’s name and their date of birth. You may also tell us about any previous dance experience and exams they have taken and if they have any needs or medical conditions we should be aware of (for example allergies, disabilities or any medication they might need to take whilst dancing). With these details we will also store a record of examinations that your child takes with us, invoices we issue and any items you order from us for example uniform or show tickets. Certain relevant details will be shared with our dance teachers only.
Information others collect
The IDTA is our examining body. If you enter your child for exams, we disclose certain details about your child. These include their name and date of birth. If your child needs additional support during their exams (for example because they have a disability), this information may need to be disclosed. You can prevent IDTA not collecting information by not entering them for exams. This will not affect your child’s ability to progress through their training in anyway.
Local Authority
If your child takes part in any performances organised by the school, data including their name, address and date of birth will be shared with the local authority to obtain the relevant performance licence (for example a Body of Persons Application or a Children’s Performance and Activities Licence).
Disclosing your details to others
Your personal details are your property. Apart from the instances listed above, we do not disclose your details to anyone. If any communication details are provided on enrolment forms we assume consent to use them for administrative purposes. We will not disclose your details to anyone or use them to send you any marketing items without your consent.
You can change your communication preferences at any time by calling or emailing the Principal of the school.
Data Protection Principles
Personal information is:
- used fairly and lawfully and for limited, specifically stated purposes
- accurate
- kept safe and secure and for no longer than is necessary. This information will be destroyed when no longer a member of Wendy Charles School of Dance.
- not transferred outside the European Economic Area without adequate protection.
I have read the above conditions of the data protection/privacy policy and give consent for my data to be stored/shared as stated, I also give consent to accept emails from the dance school.
I allow/do not allow photographs/videos of my child to be taken and shared on the dance schools social media pages and website.
Name of student(s) ……………………………………………
Name of parent/Guardian …………………………………….
Date …………………